This is the business website of the company
Robert Mohr Central Lubrication
Eisenwerkstr. 24
58332 Schwelm
Robert Moor
Communication data:
Phone: 0 23 36 - 47 46 837
Fax: 0 23 36 - 47 43 495
Object of the company:
Distribution and assembly of central lubrication systems for industry.
Responsible for the content of this website:
Managing director: Robert Mohr
Ust. ID No. according to § 27 of the Value Added Tax Act:
Our service times:
Monday to Friday from 08:00 - 16:00
The website and the goods of the company Robert Mohr, address see above, which are published there and illustrated, are directed exclusively to tradesmen (definition tradesmen according to § 14 BGB, §1 Abs.2 HGB and § 15 II EStG). A sales contract as well as the sale of goods to private persons and thus non-commercial customers according to §13 BGB is excluded.
The domain as well as the other domains, which access this imprint, are the legal property of the person Robert Mohr 58332 Schwelm Eisenwerkstr. 24
The company Robert Mohr 58332 Schwelm Eisenwerkstr. 24 is the legal tenant of The legal domain owner can be inquired via the website
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All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer without separate announcement or to discontinue the publication temporarily or permanently. No guarantees are given and no assurances of product characteristics are made. No legal claims arise from the contents of the Internet pages. Errors in the content will be corrected immediately upon becoming aware of them. The contents of the Internet pages cannot be permanently up-to-date due to delayed updating.
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If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily. The use and payment of all services offered is - as far as technically possible and reasonable - also permitted without the provision of such data or by providing anonymous data or a pseudonym. Customer-related data is used exclusively for our own customer care (sending of information). The passing on to third parties is excluded. The customer agrees to the use of his data in this sense.
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The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS):
You will find our e-mail address at the top of the imprint.
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.